05 - Add tests

BRANCH: You can start from the branch all-requests.

git checkout all-requests

Finally, we are going to add some tests.

Add tests for fetch

We are going to use very popular test framework pytest.

 1. Create a test directory and test file.

mkdir tests
touch __init__.py
touch test_fetch.py

 2. Install pytest, pytest-asyncio and pytest-httpserver.

pip install pytest pytest-httpserver

 3. pytest-httpserver allows us to create a local server, which we will use in tests. To be able to use it, we need to modify fetch function.


async def fetch(delay_seconds: float, url: str = BLOOMREACH_SERVER) -> tuple[Success, dict]:

We will pass the URL as parameter, so we can simply modify it.

QUESTION: Do you know how this pattern is called?

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This pattern is called Dependency Injection, where an object or function receives other objects or functions that it depends on.

 4. Create fetch tests.

import asyncio
import json
import time
from functools import partial

import pytest
from pytest_httpserver import HTTPServer
from werkzeug import Response

from app import fetch, get_first_successful_request

def slow_response(request, time_to_wait_seconds: float, status: int = 200) -> Response:
    return Response(json.dumps({"time": time_to_wait_seconds}), status, content_type="application/json")

async def test_successful_fetch(httpserver: HTTPServer):
    httpserver.expect_request("/foobar").respond_with_handler(partial(slow_response, time_to_wait_seconds=0.2))

    success, result = await fetch(0, httpserver.url_for("/foobar"))

    assert success
    assert {"time": 0.2} == result

async def test_unsuccessful_fetch(httpserver: HTTPServer):
        partial(slow_response, status=400, time_to_wait_seconds=0.2)

    success, result = await fetch(0, httpserver.url_for("/foobar"))

    assert not success

We created a simple handler that returns similar responses to our Bloomreach testing server. In the first test, we expect that server returns success and correct json. In the second one, we expect that success will be false.

 4. Let’s create now test for first successful response. First we need to do a small refactoring.

First move the code, which we would like to test, from app to a separate function.

async def get_first_successful_request(unfinished_tasks: list[asyncio.Task], timeout: None | float):
    timeout_remaining = timeout

    while not out_of_time(timeout_remaining) and unfinished_tasks:
        start = time.monotonic()
        finished_tasks, unfinished_tasks = await asyncio.wait(
            unfinished_tasks, return_when=asyncio.FIRST_COMPLETED, timeout=timeout_remaining

        for finished_task in finished_tasks:
            success, result = finished_task.result()
            if success:
                return success, result

        end = time.monotonic()
        timeout_remaining = timeout_remaining - (end - start) if timeout_remaining is not None else timeout_remaining

    for unfinished_task in unfinished_tasks:

    if out_of_time(timeout_remaining):
        raise RequestTimeout()

    return False, {}

Then update the app function, so it uses our new function.

async def smart_api_requester():
    timeout_seconds = get_and_validate_timeout()
    unfinished_tasks = [

    success, result = await get_first_successful_request(unfinished_tasks, timeout_seconds)

    return jsonify(success=success, result=result)

 5. We cannot use one server as we did with Bloomreach testing server. The reason is that pytest-httpserver cannot process more than one server. So, we overcome this problem by creating multiple servers. Each running in different thread.

def httpserver1(httpserver_ssl_context, httpserver_listen_address):
    server = HTTPServer(host=HTTPServer.DEFAULT_LISTEN_HOST, port=7001, ssl_context=httpserver_ssl_context)
    yield server
    if server.is_running():

def httpserver2(httpserver_ssl_context, httpserver_listen_address):
    server = HTTPServer(host=HTTPServer.DEFAULT_LISTEN_HOST, port=7002, ssl_context=httpserver_ssl_context)
    yield server
    if server.is_running():

 6. The last test that we will implement will be getting the first successful response.

async def test_first_successful_requests(httpserver: HTTPServer, httpserver1, httpserver2):
    httpserver.expect_request("/foo").respond_with_handler(partial(slow_response, time_to_wait_seconds=0.8))
    httpserver1.expect_request("/foo").respond_with_handler(partial(slow_response, time_to_wait_seconds=0.2))
    httpserver2.expect_request("/foo").respond_with_handler(partial(slow_response, time_to_wait_seconds=0.4))

    unfinished_tasks = [
        asyncio.create_task(fetch(delay_seconds=0, url=httpserver.url_for("/foo"))),
        asyncio.create_task(fetch(delay_seconds=0, url=httpserver1.url_for("/foo"))),
        asyncio.create_task(fetch(delay_seconds=0, url=httpserver2.url_for("/foo"))),
    success, result = await get_first_successful_request(unfinished_tasks, timeout=None)

    assert success
    assert {"time": 0.2} == result

Each http server has same route, but with different sleep time. This means that the server with the lowest sleep time should answer first.

QUESTION: Do you think we need more tests? If yes, what would they test?

Click on me for the answer!

We definitely miss tests that would validate if get_first_successful_request ends always in specified timeout. We also could add some tests that would validate what happens if the testing server reaches timeout or will respond with invalid content.

results matching ""

    No results matching ""