00 - Assignment

The Task


Write an HTTP server. You can choose to implement it either in Python or Go. The server should serve one endpoint:


Requirements for the endpoint:

  • The endpoint performs up to 3 HTTP requests to the Exponea Testing HTTP Server and returns the first successful response.
  • Instead of firing all 3 requests at once, the endpoint fires only a single request at the beginning.
    • If there is a successful response within 300 milliseconds, the endpoint returns this response and does not fire other requests.
    • If there is no successful response within 300 milliseconds, it fires another 2 requests. Then it returns the first successful response from any of the 3 requests (including the first one).
  • The endpoint accepts a timeout parameter - an integer value specifying time in milliseconds. The endpoint always returns a response within the given timeout. If the timeout is not specified, the endpoint should respond with the first successful response from our testing server.
  • If there is no successful response within this timeout, the endpoint returns an error.


  • The endpoint returns a JSON response.
  • A successful response is defined as a response that returns HTTP status code 200 and has a valid payload.
  • Your endpoints should return a JSON response that will contain successful responses from Bloomreach testing server.

Bloomreach Testing HTTP Server

The Bloomreach Testing HTTP Server serves a single endpoint:

GET https://exponea-engineering-assignment.appspot.com/api/work

It performs some work (taking roughly 100-600 ms) and then returns the time it took to respond as a JSON response. Example response: {“time”: 160}

Note: The server is not very reliable , which means that it does not always return a successful response.

What we seek

  • Performance - we expect that the requests to ExponeaTesting HTTP Server will be done concurrently. We will test how your server implementation behaves under load - both in terms of requests per second, and the number of concurrent requests.
  • Robust implementation - your server should behave correctly in presence of errors. Exponea Testing HTTP Server is infamously known for being unreliable. Also, the implementation should not leak resources (stuck threads / goroutines / connections for unknown time).
  • Readable, maintainable implementation - for example, prefer well-known open source libraries, with licenses that allow them to be used commercially.

If you want to shine…

Is the task too easy for you? Don’t worry, we have prepared a few extras for you:

  • Write tests for your implementation.
  • Instrument your code with tools that will make debugging production easier - logging, monitoring, tracing. We need a way to check if Bloomreach Testing HTTP Server is behaving well in production.
  • Include Dockerfile that can be used to build and run the server.
  • Attach a discussion about code behavior - knowledge cases, how it behaves in certain conditions, performance characteristics, resource requirements, etc. How many concurrent requests can the server handle? How would you protect the server against being overloaded?

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